The tale of my personal discovery of the actor David Tennant.
This will include (some) news but mainly my own David Tennant Watching.

Saturday, 10 February 2007

David Tennant in The Mrs Bradley Mysteries

Tonight UK Drama showed The Mrs Bradley Mysteries episode which features David Tennant. It was filmed in 1999 and is set in about the 1920s or 30s. I'd only seen one photo from the episode when he's wearing some golf clothes but thankfully that's only a small part of the episode.
This drama was especially interesting as Peter Davidson (the fifth Doctor Who) is also in it so there's a scene with 2 Doctors! Actually PD isn't in it anywhere as much as DT but he gets higher listing (probably because he was more of a name back then). The other thing I noticed is that the Script Editor was Julie Gardner (who is now Executive Producer of Doctor Who).
I really enjoyed the episode and it was nice to see David Tennant acting in something different.