The tale of my personal discovery of the actor David Tennant.
This will include (some) news but mainly my own David Tennant Watching.

Tuesday, 6 February 2007

Doctor Who Confidential

This is the write-up about Friday's (repeated) episode from the BBC website:
Fri 9 Feb, 7:00 pm - 7:30 pm 30mins
The New Doctor

Learn all about David Tennant's regeneration as the new doctor at the end of series one and follow him exclusively behind the scenes as he chooses his outfit in The Christmas Invasion. Join The Doctor and Rose on their first together adventure together on New Earth and share in the waterlogged wonder of the unforgettable lift shaft sequence, where David and Billie receive a good old soaking!
From windy hill tops to soaking sets, Confidential's cameras are with the cast and crew at every turn, joining the Doctor and Rose in a whole new world of trouble. The Doctor looks set to take Rose further into the future than ever before. [S]
I vaguely remembering watching it when it was first broadcast so this should be fun!