The tale of my personal discovery of the actor David Tennant.
This will include (some) news but mainly my own David Tennant Watching.

Monday, 5 February 2007

DVD Arrived!

My copy of The Quartermass Experiment DVD arrived today!
I bought it on E-Bay and it seems that it has some extras (a documentary about the making of the production, audio commentary by the cast and a photo gallery) which looks interesting! I tend to eke out my DT watching (partly due to lack of time but partly because I dread the day when I have nothing new to watch!) so I've just read the liner notes and I'll settle down to watch the DVD sometime soon.
There's a nice photo of David Tennant in the booklet (pictured left) and it says that he started the rehearsals slightly late as he still had the flu. There's a sweet quote from him about being nervous about the show (in case you didn't know it went out live on national TV) "I particularly have got a lot of jargon, a lot of scientific, technical, medical stuff and that can be difficult to get your tongue around at the best of times. I'm worried that I'll get my "post-catabolic residues" mixed up. But maybe nobody will notice if I do it with enough conviction!"
The liner notes also says that it was these rehearsals that he discovered that he'd been cast as Doctor Who.
Apparently during the live performance itself, David almost lost his footing while racing from one set to another. "David's feet just went from under him but he picked himself up and carried on running"!