The tale of my personal discovery of the actor David Tennant.
This will include (some) news but mainly my own David Tennant Watching.

Wednesday, 7 February 2007

The Hello magazine poll

It's been neck and neck plus up and down all day on the Hello magazine poll!
Yesterday Diavid Tennant started about 200 behind Hugh Laurie (HL) but by around midnight last night he was about 60 in front. It appears that HL always does better overnight but last night he only gained about 100 and David Tennant and caught that up and was back in the lead again by the afternoon.
The pattern so far has been that David Tennant's fans come out to vote in force in the evening and he gains ground but somehow tonight HL has steamed ahead (he's about 100 in front as I write this). Something suspicious happened a couple of hours ago though as for a few minutes none of the voting buttons loaded on the site and that was when HL steamed away.
It's only a bit of fun but I'd really like David Tennant to win (especially against HL as he looks frightful in House!).
Only 3 weeks to go!!! Please vote if you can.... is the link.